Our Story


The idea of Kandles by Kai went through my mind in October of 2021 after one day of making my own candle. I am a teacher and after fifteen years in education, the profession is no longer fulfilling to me. I came to a crossroad in my life and I realized that I was not happy and I was stuck in a profession that did not allow me to be free. I also went through a time where I sort of became depressed because I did not know what I wanted to do with my life but I knew I did not want to teach anymore.

Teaching is a stressful profession and one of the things that I do to relax is to light candles and diffuse my favorite essential oils around my house. The smell helps me to escape my stressors. That is when the wheels in my brain began turning. I thought I just wanted to make my own candles for my house and incorporate my favorite essential oils. One week my husband and I went out of town and we ran across a candle making event and we signed up on the spot because it was different and we thought it would be fun. This was the most fun, relaxing, peaceful, and freeing experience for me. I told my husband then and there “I am going to start my own candle making business”.

I had been planning my exit strategy from teaching and I told myself that I would work until 2024 which is the year that my youngest daughter graduates and by then I should know what my next steps would be. The day I made that candle in October 2021, God spoke to me because I had been fasting and praying about my future, he said “Kandles by Kai”, also June 2022 would be my last year of being a school teacher.

This business is also something that my youngest daughter and my mom can help me with to create amazingly memorable experiences for my customers.

Vision: To promote living a free and peaceful lifestyle through a therapeutically fun experience that entices your senses. Oh... and we also want your house to smell good too.